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purpose of this blog

 Hi everyone!

It's my first time to write a blog in my life and I'm soooo excited!!

I'm in Food and Culture class in my university. Basically I'm gonna write about blogs relating to this topic.

I've lived in Japan and Hawaii and I'd like to introduce food and cultures in both places.

Besides, I often go to cafes or restaurants in Tokyo and Kanagawa(Kanagawa is where Yokohama is located) in Japan, so I'm gonna post my reviews and recommendations of these stores.

I hope you enjoy my blogs♡ 



Food hero

   I found a food hero whose name is Johanna kwafeinge Benjamin from Oshana region, Namibia in Africa. She made a garden in her house and now produces food for her family, and community members in her village and surrounding villages.   She grew up being taught how important to be self-sufficient from a very young age and she took an agriculture course in her university and soon after that, she started to make the garden.  I was inspired that her job is related to what she got from her family and she preserves her family’s way of thinking, and with this knowledge, she tries to supply people around her. I think passing down cultures or customs from parents is the most important because that would be proof that you are the children of the parents and the cultures or customs must be unique depending on families.  She still faces so many problems like market access because she is young and new in an agricultural market and plant diseases. However, she never gives up anything and she even t